Note: We will analyze your brief and provide a reply in 24-48 hours. In order to get an accurate and quick estimate, please add a complete brief, regarding your request.

    How it works?

    Choose a WordPress theme or plugin from our portfolios of and see if it suits your business

    Complete the form below to send a customization brief to our team

    Write as many detaiils a possible about what you need and what we should add to the theme you want to use

    Our team will respond as soon a possible to clarify the changes that will be done to your theme

    We will estimate how many working hours are needed to implement the new changes

    You will get a rate that will surely suit your requirements

    Fell in love with one of our themes?
    Customize it to fit your needs!

    Theme customization is an exclusive service for those who need some custom changes to our themes. Whether you have already purchased one of our WordPress themes or not, you will be able to request theme customization.  you have chosen iBidfor your business & need additional functionality that is not currently present in what the theme offer you will be able to customize the theme very advantageous price.

    How does this service benefit your business?

    Our main focus is to offer the best WordPress theme that can give you of the best possible start in the business environment. Every product we develop has an very clear purpose: To help you build the ideal website.

    No matter the niche, our projects are always created to solve problems, generate efficient processes & automate online businesses

    And the development process that all our projects go through is elaborate, modern, & composed of several element. The ModelTheme team has common goal provide you with the perfect make your business as successful as possible.

    Best Selling Projects

    Our items are beautiful, you can do anything with them.

    Professional Support

    It is highly unlikely that you will encounter any problem.


    We offer a comprehensive package of documentation to explain our theme features and functionalities.

    Video Tutorials

    We provide interactive installation video and complex WordPress theme tutorials and instructions.


    Our Knowledge Base contains important tutorials, tips and tricks for beginners and professionals.