We will be integrating a new license manager in all of our themes, step by step, starting in November 2024. The new license manager will protect the theme from unauthorized usage and make the demo import experience more interesting and easy.
I will activate the theme/plugin using:
Envato Market Purchase Code Envato Elements Token
*Envato Market= If you purchased the item from ThemeForest or CodeCanyon.
Activating with an Envato Market purchase code:
Activating the license is necessary for those who want to use our demo importer (sample data importer). As you can see if the license is not activated you will get a notice on the Demo Importer panel:
You have to click on the Theme License Manager link to access the activation panel. Depending on what theme or plugin you have, you might see this message elsewhere.
Steps to activate the theme/plugin with an Envato Purchase Code:
Step 1: Go to Theme License Manager
Step 2: Get the Purchase key and paste it. If you don’t know your purchase code please check the “Where Is My Purchase Code” Envato tutorial. Then click the Register License button.
Step 3: If your license is valid you will get a green success notice. You can now return to the theme panel and import your demo data.
Info: Even if your support is expired you can still activate the theme/plugin. However, you will not be able to access our help desk.
Important: A purchase code (license) is valid for one domain only. If you’re using this theme on a new domain, please purchase a new license to receive a new purchase code.
Activating an Envato Elements token:
This option is only for themes listed on Envato Elements. Not all the themes from our portfolio are listed on Envato Elements. Check here for all of the themes by ModelTheme on Envato Elements.
If the theme has the option to be activated with an Envato Elements token, you will notice this on the License Manager panel:
Steps to activate the theme/plugin with an Elements Token:
Step 1: Use the Follow this link to generate a token to activate the item:
Step 2: You will be redirected to Envato Elements (make sure to be logged in with your active Elements subscription – without a valid Envato Elements Subscription you can’t generate a token). The link will auto-generate the token:
Step 3: Now that the token has been generated Copy and Paste it on the License Manager “Envato Elements Token (required)” field:
Step 4: You can now return to the theme panel and import demo data (sample data). If you reload the page you will your token activated with options to deregister/disable it.
Important: A token can only be used on one single domain. If you install the theme/plugin on another domain/website, you should reload the token generate process (step 1).