We will be integrating a license manager in all of our themes, step by step, starting from February 2022. The new license manager will have the role to protect the theme from unauthorized usage and also make the demo import experience more interesting and easy.


Purposes of the new License Manager:

  • Prevent unauthorized usage (demo data can only be imported with a valid license key).
  • Settings Overview: Before importing demo data, make sure that all of the required server configurations values are meet.
  • Activating and deactivating a license directly from the theme panel.

What is a license key?

A license key is a unique purchase code of our theme or of the support renewal of a theme from our portfolio. Finding the purchase key is possible in your ThemeForest/CodeCanyon account. See this tutorial to learn how to find your purchase code.

License activated!


All good, you have successfully activated the theme using a valid license key, and now you can import any demo site from the Demo Importer tab.

Possible Issues:

  1. Invalid license key! (You cant activate this product with the current license): In this situation, the wrong item purchase key is being used. Make sure that the item purchase key used to activate is from the installed theme. For example, if you have purchased two themes from us (let’s say iBid and Coinflip), you can’t activate iBid with a license from Coinflip.
  2. Invalid license key!: In this situation, the key is invalid.
  3. Remove from this website: The button is disabled and I cannot deactivate my license: In this situation, most probably you have used the license on multiple domains, and our system has flagged the activator. You should contact us here, and explain the situation.
  4. You have not activated this license yet! If you this message in your Demo Importer tab, it means that you have not activated your license, and this is the reason why no demo data is listed on the tab.

What other changes were introduced on this update?

  • This update is meant for security and protecting our customers and our right for property and unauthorized usage of our themes. Starting from now, the new updates from our themes will not bundle the demo files for offline upload. In case you want to import demo data manually (not using the demo importer tab), you should contact us and explain the situation.
  • Demo data is removed until theme activation.