Simple Support System is a plugin used to provide email-based support to any Envato Author (WordPress theme sellers, plugin developers, freelancers, and more). It is bundled with the Wikb & Tikidocs themes.
Note: If the plugin is not installed or activated on your WordPress site, go to Appearance – Install plugins and install/activate it.
The plugin will auto-generate the required pages in order to run and will also generate the settings panel:
Create an Envato API Token here.
If you added a correct Envato API Token, then you are ready to go.
The plugin will generate multiple pages such as:
1. Register page – live demo on Wikb
This page will be used by customers to verify the purchase – only Envato item purchase code accepted. Where Is My Purchase Code?
2. Login page – demo on Wikb
Used for login & also for registration purposes.
3. My Purchases page – live demo on Wikb
Here, each customer can see their licenses and the status (active or expired support)
4. Submit ticket page/Create a ticket – live demo on Wikb
Used to submit new tickets – only valid licenses are allowed to submit tickets.
In this case, only Coinflip has an active support period.
Admins will get their tickets via email – from here, the support will be email-based.