In order to install a theme, first of all, you need to know the notion of “child-theme”. When you install the theme, make sure you install the child-theme too. You can check out the Child theme article for more details.

You just have to follow few simple steps:

  1. Loginin into your admin Dashboard > Appearance Panel > Themes:

  2. How to install a theme

    In order to install a theme, first of all, you need to know the notion of “child-theme”. When you install the theme, make sure you install the child-theme too. You can check out the Child theme article for more details.

    You just have to follow few simple steps:

    1. Login in into your admin Dashboard > Appearance Panel > Themes:


    2. Click on “Add New” then on “Upload Theme” which will get you on this page, where you can chose the .zip file theme and upload it for install here:

    3. Install the main theme:

    4. Please keep in mind to install the child-theme too:
