We disabled WPBakery’s Frontend Editor by default because it didn’t worked well for some users and the recommendation was to keep it disabled by default. It is easiest/and safe to modify the blocks directly from the backend editor (our recommendation). If you still want to enable the WPBakery’s Frontend Editor, you can do so by adding this code to your child theme – functions.php file.

// Removing the WPBakery frontend editor
if (!function_exists('ibid_disable_wpbakery_frontend_editor')) {
function ibid_disable_wpbakery_frontend_editor(){
* Removes frontend editor
// if ( function_exists( 'vc_disable_frontend' ) ) {
// vc_disable_frontend();
// }
add_action('vc_after_init', 'ibid_disable_wpbakery_frontend_editor');

Exactly as you see it below:

WPBakery Frontend Editor

Note: This tutorial was made using the iBid Auctions theme. If you own another theme you should replace the prefix of the function. So, instead of ‘ibid_’, set ‘themename_’.