iBid is a professional theme for any kind of auctions marketplace. Now the theme comes with 9 different multi-vendor auctions demos. It can also be used without any Marketplace plugin (as a regular single vendor store).
This tutorial will only apply to the iBid WordPress Auctions Theme bundled with WCFM Marketplace plugin. If you choose to use the theme with any other supported marketplace (such as Dokan Marketplace), please contact us here to learn how to enable reverse auctions.
Step 1: Login as a vendor(seller) and go to your WCFM Marketplace vendor dashboard and add a product.
Step 2: Select the Auction (product type):
Step 3: When the “Auction” option is checked, an auction options group will be shown on the bottom of the edit product page:
Step 4: From the Auction type dropdown, simply choose Reverse, instead on Normal. This option will enable the reverse auction feature for the current product only.
You can now save the product and go visit the product page:
That’s how you can enable reverse auction to a product from your WCFM Marketplace vendor dashboard. The site will not let you bid more than the minimum bid value. Because it is a reverse auction, your bid value can only be smaller than the current bid value.